Hands-Free Water Cooler Dispenser Machines

Contactless Drinking Water Solutions For Peace Of Mind 

Arctic Revolution

In these challenging times contamination is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Here at Eau Coolers we can help reduce the stress of this with our hands-free drinking water dispensers. Standard water coolers are still safe to use but if you have concerns and for peace of mind we have a range of pedal operated, paddle tap or contactless options for water coolers, drinking water fountains and water boilers. In some instances these can be retro fitted meaning that you do not have to replace your existing equipment.

For further information please contact us and we will be able to offer our professional advice and find a solution to meet your requirements. Eau Coolers are experienced water cooler and other water product experts – discover more through our expeirenced team today.

Click here to find out more about our Hands-Free Water Dispensers